What to Expect for Inspections when Selling Your Home

Once your home is under contract, the buyer will schedule inspections to be done by a Professional Home Inspector. There are multiple inspections, options and reports that are performed.

Once your home is under contract, the buyer will schedule inspections to be done by a professional home inspector. There are multiple inspections, options and reports that are performed. Below is a general discussion of those inspections.

General Home Inspection

 The inspector will go through the house and check the following for issues: all electrical outlets GFCI and polarity, plumbing leaks, grouting, flooring and baseboards for water intrusion, windows, HVAC Performance and age, HW Heater and age, Appliances that convey, Roof and age, wood and structural issues, exterior paint, stucco, settlement cracks, sidewalk/driveway other safety issues. Essentially the Home inspection is a thorough inspection of everything in the home and a report detailing the results with pictures will be generated for the homeowner. The homeowner can also add Pool and other items to the inspection if they desire, based on systems and items in the home.

Two additional reports can be ordered, or the inspection can be limited to these items if the buyer so chooses.

Four Point Report

This is a report for the Insurance Company that identifies the status of four major systems, HVAC, Roof, Plumbing, Electrical. Any issues on the four point may cause problems securing insurance and if the buyer has a mortgage, then they will likely need to be addressed before closing, or shortly thereafter by the buyer (if Insurance agrees). The 4 Point report is required for homes 30+ years of age, FHA and VA loans.   (Update:  It looks like Citizens Insurance will be requiring 4 Point for homes 20+ Years old after 1/1/2022)

Wind Mitigation Report

This report covers the roof and windows as it relates to potential wind damage and is an insurance company report as well. It provides information on the type of roof covering, status of it and how the roof is actually attached to the house. A Wind Mitigation Report that shows features in place to protect from Wind and water damage can save homeowners significantly on insurance costs.


The Wood Destroying Organism and Termite inspection is typically required for any home that will have a mortgage and definitely for FHA and VA loans. The inspector will go through and check for any signs of active or previous activity. If any active issues, they will need to be addressed.


If the home is on a Septic System, the buyer will likely have a Septic Inspection done. For this inspection the septic tank will be pumped and the tank checked for cracks. The field lines will also be evaluated as to their performance and potentially mapped.

Other Tests

Other tests that can occur include: Mold and Radon, these are typically done by collecting air samples over a period of time and sending the results for analysis and a report.

Essentially, the buyer has the right to have every system and aspect of the home inspected to ensure that they understand what they are buying.  If you have not been through an inspection recently, the attached document, What to Expect for Inspections when Selling Your Home, outlines what the inspector will be looking for and at.  Also below are sample forms that the inspector will fill out for insurance purposes, depending on the age of the home.